Excursion Little india orientation tour tour at Durban

Cruise line: Silversea

This tour showcases the endemic and richly layered Indian influence in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Indian cuisine, religion and lifestyle are colourfully evident in stores, events, restaurants and cultural institutions. This unique experience aims to highlight the significant contributions of Indians in our country. During this full day orientation tour, your story telling tour guide will take you to the following sites.

Victoria Street Market

As you step out of the vehicle, your every sense will be arrested with vivid stimuli; an experience unlike any other. Breathe in the heady mix of spices mingling, a fragrant smorgasbord so rich and tantalising, you will be unable to use words to describe it. The ringing sounds of people calling friends, bargaining, selling their wares and bantering blend together to make unique sounds of its own - the sounds of living in this very moment. The Street Market is no place for tasteful beige and mild mannered pastels - rich jewel colours pull your eyes to their depths as you appreciate textures of fine silks and hard calicos. At the market, you guide will teach you all about Indian spices - the Durban way! You will be taught what to look for and what to buy for different culinary effects.

Umbilo Shree Ambalavanar Temple

This is the oldest public Hindu temple in Africa. Complete with beautiful murals and statues. Learn about Hindu religion and the belief systems they follow here in Durban.

Hare Krishna Temple and Ghandi Centenary Park

The largest temple of its kind in Southern Africa. Opposite the Hare Krishna Temple you will find the Ghandi Centenary Park with a statue of Gandhi.

Shree Vishnu Temple

With its giant statue of Lord Hanuman. The statue is the height of a 3-story building, the largest in Africa (guests are able to enter the temple).

Nelson Mandela Community Youth Centre

It has a touching and interesting story of how former & late President Nelson Mandela built this youth centre for the people of Chatsworth in 2001. The manager of the centre, fought against apartheid when he was younger. We stop here and get to listen to the story and take a picture with the Nelson Mandela Mural.

En route back to N-Shed Passenger Terminal, stop over at The Little India Restaurant or similar, located in Florida Road, Berea, where traditional Indian delights await you, which will send your taste buds on a journey of a life time! Return to the ship thereafter.

Points of interests

Points of interest seen on this excursion include: Durban City, Little India, Indian Community, Indian Lunch


Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and standing, at times over uneven and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and for those who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. It is recommended to ask the permission before taking pictures of locals. The tour sequence may vary.