Excursion Lamanai temples & river expedition tour at Belize City

Cruise line: Silversea

Explore ancient ruins and natural wonders during this full-day tour.

After tendering to shore, board your comfortable air-conditioned coach for the approximately 75-minute ride up the Northern Highway accompanied by your guide who will share with you, Belize's rich cultural and ecological heritage. Upon arrival at the river outpost, a quick comfort stop will be made before embarking onto your boat.

River Cruise

Anticipation builds as your skilled captain pulls away from the dock to begin the roughly 80-minute (42 km / 26 miles) trip up the meandering New River towards your Maya Ruin destination. Keep your eyes open and your cameras ready as crocodiles and iguanas, a variety of bird species and even a troop of howler monkeys are just some of the wild life that might make an appearance for you.

Lamanai Mayan Ruins

On approaching the entrance of the New River Lagoon the ruins of the high temple rises into view welcoming you to the ancient Mayan city challenging you to climb its' peak. But first you enjoy a delicious buffet style Belizean lunch, fueling you for your roughly 1hr 30min ruin expedition. Your guide will give insight into this hidden world still surrounded by pristine jungle, and where elite rulers are buried in magnificent temples and sacred deities are immortalized in stone images.

Following your guided tour of the ruins site, time will be available to shop at the gift shop on site before boarding your boat for the exhilarating nonstop ride back to the outpost and your waiting bus which will take you back to the cruise ship pier.

Points of interests

Points of interest seen on this excursion include: New River, New River Lagoon, Bird and Wildlife Species, Lamanai Mayan Ruins, Temples, Stone Deities